
This is a blog written for mothers, or soon-to-be mothers, by a mother of the 21st century. I share my thoughts, ideas and opinions of popular topics!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Birthing Classes... Are They Necessary?

The answer: no. Although birthing classes are not necessary, they are very helpful. Some may have a pre-existing notion of what birthing classes are and what they consist of. It may be thought that they are filled with gross and scary birthing videos that will add anxiety to the birthing process. However, birthing classes are actually filled with tons of insight to the entire birthing process and tips to make you feel more comfortable when it is time to deliver. Personally, I found my birthing class to be great, as it taught me not only new breathing techniques, but also gave me insight as to what things would be helpful to have with me while giving birth. This made the entire process of packing my hospital bag much simpler, as I had an idea of what items from home would make me more comfortable while giving birth.

When it comes to deciding whether or not to sign up for birthing classes, do what makes you feel more comfortable. Are they necessary? No. However, would it hurt to try them out?

Monday, March 19, 2012


What does being induced mean?
Being induced means that you are given medicine to enhance your labor.

What are Braxton Hick contractions?
 They are "fake" or "pre" contractions that get you ready for the real ones. don't be mistaken thoguh, they can cause discomfort, similar to a real contraction.

How can I tell the difference?
Real contractions will cause your stomach to harden. Additionally, if you are going in to labor, your contractions will be a set number of minutes apart.

When should I pack my hospital bag?
everyone is different, however I would suggest packing it when you hit 8 months (32 weeks)

What should I put in my hospital bag?
I would suggest bringing comfort items from home, such as your favorite blanket, a comfortable pillow, hair ties, pajamas(for you and baby), baby clothes, clothes to leave the hospital in, soaps and slippers!


Nesting refers to the period of time right before you deliver when you want to get everything done! After months of being tired and feeling as though you are carrying a bowling ball around, you get a giant burst of energy. You wake up feeling refreshed and mentally coiling a list of things to do. What should you do when you are nesting? EVERYTHING! Well, not literally! However, you should take advantage of the burst of energy you are receiving and try to accomplish as much as possible. Make sure the baby's room is ready, your hospital bag is in order and any errands that may come up now until your delivery date. One important thing to remember though is don't overdo it! Do as much as you feel comfortable doing, but take a few short breaks during this time. When you begin nesting, you know delivery time is near!

Baby Books

A baby book is a part of your life forever. Sometimes it is a completed piece of work that you can view on momentous occasions and sometimes it is a half-finished piece that you wish had been completed. Baby books today have so many great sections inside. Some of these sections include: letters to the baby, baby shower gift list, pregnancy information and family trees.

When should you fill out your child's baby book? Well, from experience I would say that the best time to fill out a baby book is when you are pregnant. During your impregnably you have the time to relax and are quite sentimental and fresh with pregnancy memories. You are more likely to remember when you felt the first kick or what your initial reaction was. If you wait until the baby is bored, it may become something that you continuously put off. After all, you are caring for a new life! My recommendation is to complete the baby book while you are pregnant, as you are going to need all of the rest and bonding time you can get when your child is born!

How should you pick a baby name?

One of the first questions people will ask you when you say you are pregnant is "what are you naming your baby?" Whether you have names picked out before you even find out your pregnant or don't name the child until he or she is born, everyone has an opinion. Some are VERY vocal about their opinions and some are a little more subtle. However, the most important thing is to make sure that your opinion does not get lost in the bunch. Naming your child is one of the most special things in the world and you do not want to feel as though you missed out on the process. Make sure that when you are picking a baby name, it is one that you have no doubts about. It should be special and have a story. It doesn't have to be a family name to have a story, it could be a name that you heard that made you smile. Having a story or a reason as to why you named your child that specific name will definitely let your child know just how special there name is. Good luck everyone and post some of your favorite baby names below!

Newborn Must Haves

With so many baby products out on the market today, it can sometimes be confusing to try and figure out which items are must haves. Below is a list of must haves that I have created for parents(or soon-to-be parents) of newborns.
  • Newborn diapers
  • Receiving blankets
  • Baby soap
  • Boppy
  • Onesies
  • Baby monitors
  • Swing
  • Gas drops
 Although each child is different, the above is a list of items that I found as a must! I hope these help. If you have any items that you found to be a MUST when your child was a newborn, share them below!